Science & Nature Essays and Term Papers
Science"Is it possible to find some common feature shared by all the things we call "science" and not shared by anything else? "
Science could be a very narrow term which includes a significant number of different disciplines and many theories. Even though they are different they could have an ...
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CLASA : Mammalia
ORDINUL : Ceteaceea
SUBORDINUL : Odontoceti
Capabili sa despice apele marilor si oceanelor cu o viteza de doi metri pe secunda,ba chiar sa-si ofere uneori cate un mic sprint de 10m /s(adica sa inoate de cinci ori mai repede decat marii ...
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Stem CellsStem Cells
What is a stem cell?
Stem cells have the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and to give rise to specialized cells. They are best described in the context of normal human development. Human development begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg and creates a single cell ...
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Environmental PollutionEnvironmental Pollution
This theme provides information on instruments relating to pollution of the marine environment by ships and land-based sources, and on climate change and the ozone layer. Included are eight conventions and a global programme of action. Environmental pollution has now ...
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Global WarmingGlobal warming means the rise in the mean global temperature to a level which affects the life-forms on the earth surface. The factors responsible for this warming may be both natural and man made. Warming of the globe due to natural factors is not an unusual phenomenon.
The earth's climate is ...
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The North American BullfrogThe North American Bullfrog is a member of the Ranidae family and is considered an aquatic frog. These frogs can be found throughout most of North America in large bodies of water, lakes, swamps and ponds. It often rests along the water's edge, but also can be found on land when the weather is warm ...
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The Effect of the Environment on a Sow BugThe Effect of the Environment on a Sow Bug
Tyler Simpson
Louisville Male Traditional High School
Biology I
September 18, 2012
Many variables can control the behavior of the Sow bugs. The hypothesis was tested using two different types of environment water and dirt. We let the ...
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Studying Ecosystems Lab ReportStudying Ecosystems Scientific Inquiry
By Brianna Pickering
September 12, 2012
To assess the biodiversity of two different ecosystems by collecting qualitative and quantitative data about the biotic and abiotic factors that exist in them. The two ecosystems in which the ...
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Gene SequenceLeo Boerstoel
Mrs. Fuller
AP Biology Period 6
Pre-Lab Activity:
Hypothesis: If the new species has a vertebrae, then it will be located in between the crocodilians and the birds on he cladogram.
Methods: After forming our hypothesis, we ...
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CatsCats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with strong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such ...
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Global WarmingGlobal warming is the greatest challenge facing our planet. It is, in fact, the increase in the temperature of the earth's neon- surface air. It is one of the most current and widely discussed factors. It has far-reaching impact on biodiversity and climatic conditions of the planet. Several ...
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Dobermans and GlobalizationThe Doberman Pinscher is one of the truly Global breeds of dogs with some pretty special economic and social implications. The Doberman originated in Germany is a very globally popular working breed in the areas of protection and law enforcement. The Doberman also has had a great impact on ...
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Animal CloningFrank Garner
Research Paper
Ending Cloning Animals
People question all the time about cloning animals for food. Concerns about cloning animals for food go beyond questions of food safety. In addition to concern for animal welfare, many people have ethical and moral qualms about ...
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ScienceSummary 1 � Section 1 � 94-96
�Photosynthesis - is the process in which light energy is converted into chemical energy.
�Autotrophs - an organism that produces it's own nutrients from inorganic substances or from the environment instead of consuming other ...
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Chemistry Ionic CompoundsDavid Phillips
Honors Chemistry
Period 4 Sakaguchi
25 November 2012
Ionic Compounds
Throughout the laws and rules of chemistry, one major factor, which has important rules, can come as confusing to some. This topic is of course ionic compounds. There are rules necessary to tell what ...
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Nature Of ScienceNature Of Science
The nature of science can be found in its process as a mode of discovery . Science , like most fields of study , is basically still just a process of understanding reality and the environment . As a process of understanding , it necessarily involves guesses and conjectures ...
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The Power of the WindHailey Marmolejo
November 8, 2012
SCIE 2320.12
Paul Walter
The Power of the Wind
Wind is an efficient source of energy, offering clean and ample electricity. Harnessing energy from the wind has been done for thousands of years, using three major types of wind power: mechanical power, sail ...
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ThermosphereThe atmosphere is divided into four layers based on their temperatures, the outermost region called the Thermosphere is located above the mesosphere and above this layer is outer space. The Greek name Thermos meaning "hot" shows that this is the hottest part of the atmosphere. Temperature here ...
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Superconductivity And Its ApplicationsSuperconductivity And Its Applications
Super conductivity General properties
Observations regarding Applications
�O Super conductor are the material having almost zero resistivity and behave as diamagnetic below the super conducting transition temperature.�O Super conductors are PERFECT ...
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Lions,Tigers & Bears, Oh My!Connie Yarborough
Dr. Cynthia Kimball
WR 191
22 January 2013
Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!
"Woman Killed by pet viper, Man killed by pet African Lion," these are the headlines that are becoming all to familiar in our culture today. Almost as common is the convenience of purchasing ...
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SaturnPlanet Name and Position: Saturn, 6[th] planet from the sun
Terrestrial, Gas Giant, Dwarf planet?: Gas Giant
Equatorial Diameter: 120,500km
Mass: 9.4
Surface Gravity: 8.96m/s^2
Density: 687 kg/m^3
# of moons: 60
Significant Moons: Titan
Axial Tilt: 26 degrees
Distance from Sun: ...
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Ordovician vs CretaciousGeology Final
The Earth is 4.5 billion years old. We split Earth's history into different parts called eras and we split the eras into smaller parts called periods. While these periods have some similarities, they are all very unique. When comparing and contrasting periods it's best to use ...
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The Brain and Nervous SystemDerek Korff-Korn
January 14[th], 2013
Mrs. Nishli
7[th] Grade
The Brain and the Nervous System
The human brain and the nervous system are essential for human life. They run the autonomic and conscious processes of the body. All of the body organs and processes independent ...
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CloningThe latest technological developments in the field of bio engineering has allowed specialist to proceed with the successful cloning of organisms. Bioengineering has certainly opened doors to science that people have never considered before but this has also come with attached controversy. There are ...
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The Importance Of WaterThe Importance Of Water
Since the beginning of time, water has continued to be an important thing to all living things. Without water nothing could live. We many change our food according to the climate of place but we find no substitute[1] for water. Man has always looked for pure fresh water ...
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