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Sexual Orientation Doesn't Decide - Papers Online

Sexual Orientation Doesn't Decide

I have witnessed first people being harassed day in and day out because of their sexual orientation. I don't even begin to comprehend how someone could be so cruel. Its hard to imagine the brutality of it really, beating someone senseless and what for?

All because we fear what we don't understand and its out of fear that we defined what understand as a threat to society so we invoke the rage they believe to be correct in hope that it is reconciled but never is truly. Sometimes in the name of fear and misery we turn our backs on friends we've known since forever. Humans sometimes can be so arrogant and stuck in our ways that we don't see shattered innocents screaming from the top of ...

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whether it being Straight, Gay, or Bisexual is beautiful. ''What ever God you believe in , we come from the same one strip away your fears , let in the light , because underneath its all the same ...

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Sexual Orientation Doesn't Decide. (2014, May 2). Retrieved November 30, 2024, from http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Sexual-Orientation-Doesnt-Decide/104040
"Sexual Orientation Doesn't Decide." Essayworld.com. Essayworld.com, 2 May. 2014. Web. 30 Nov. 2024. <http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Sexual-Orientation-Doesnt-Decide/104040>
"Sexual Orientation Doesn't Decide." Essayworld.com. May 2, 2014. Accessed November 30, 2024. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Sexual-Orientation-Doesnt-Decide/104040.
"Sexual Orientation Doesn't Decide." Essayworld.com. May 2, 2014. Accessed November 30, 2024. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Sexual-Orientation-Doesnt-Decide/104040.
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Added: 5/2/2014 08:06:43 PM
Submitted By: hayden_reese
Category: Social Issues
Type: Free Paper
Words: 261
Pages: 1

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